Monday, May 28, 2012

Gloucester, Massachussetts

The Eastern Point Crew gathers for a freindly photo op.

Gloucester has several claims to fame including being the oldest seaport in the US,
 and as the setting for book and the film of the Perfect Storm.

I recently performed in the historic city of Gloucester. I was at the Eastern Point Day School which is located near a beach where you can see Boston in the distance. The school itself is in a fabulous old house situated above a huge rock formation. I wish I could have gone to school in such a setting. The kids, parents, and teachers were maRRRvelous. Special Seafarin' Salutations to Michelle, and especailly Tami!

I was able to tour the city (actually I was lost). While naviagting my way to Eastern Point, I observed that Gloucester is a working seaport... with plenty of  places to get fried calms. There are mansions beside the sea, Cape-style houses, and Colonial-era buildings - all along winding lanes - which makes it it chock full o' charm.

If you haven't been to this Cape Ann city on the North Shore, I would highly suggest you visit. I know I shall return, and dock the Friend Ship in this friendly port.   

Lobster cages by the shore.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Whirly Wind & Whirly Gigs

Twas a whirly wind that took the Friend Ship sailin' 'round the Northeastern United States. Off the starborad of the seaboard, if you will.

Me first port-o-call was the Pearl Rhodes School (perfect for the brother of Pearl the Purple Pirate Princess) in the Pioneer Valley of Massachussetts. It was Dress Like a Pirate Day and nearly all the students and teachers were sporting their seafarin' fashions and in some cases fake facial hair. Of course we sang, jigged, and joked like pirates - RRR! It was also a fundraiser for the Leyden Library, which I'm told, made its gold.

Then I followed the south bound currents to NYC (Enn Why Sea, the Big Apple, Gotham City, the City that never sleeps) for my Broadway Debut. Well, it wasn't exactly 'on Broaway', but an anchor's throw away - the Upper West Side between West End Ave. and Broadway. It was a party for Jolly Josh the Birthday Buccaneer. My back-up singers Talia and Valli were on board too. All the attendees received a treasure box with cookies, doubloons, and a "Give Me an RRR!" CD.

Finally I docked at Fields Elementary School in Connecticut for two rousing shows. The audience was Pre-K to 5th Grade. The older kids were initally sceptical but I eventually won them over. This was further proof that my pirate show works GREAT in schools, even with those unfamilar with me music. Don't tell anybody that me songs are educational and deal with language usage, values, and history, among other subjects. 

So, I'm pleased to tell ye the first (peg) leg of me World Tour was a smashing success. I even broke even - what are the 'odds' on that - haRRRdy haRRR. Special thanks to Stephanie, Betty, Andy, Jessica, Jocelyn, Karla, and Jeff!

Clear the gangplank - more Whirly Gigs are on the way!